Friday, 26 August 2011

The day that never ends


Well I'm currently bored out my mind sitting in my room, raining outside, wondering what can I do for my next blog. I want to talk about interesting things, but my best idea at the moment is a blog about how great A3 paper is... yep I think the Muses are on holiday.

I reading my way though Northern Lights, I don't really understand it, but hey its alright. It's the first time I've read it, but I have seen the film. I don't really know what to make of it, I've just got to the bit in the Fens... woop for the Fens :D... I hope things get explained fairly soon or I may put it down for Across the Wall.

I'm really excited for the next episode of Doctor Who, I was never really into it before, because - don't hate me - but I really don't like David Tennent. But have started watching my way though the old episodes. My theories are;
That River Song either kills the Doctor, or she may kill Rory.
The Doctor that was killed by the Astronaut could be a ganger... but that would need an explanation of why he didn't turn into white slime.
I think that River Song is the child that was in the astronaut suit... but she might not be because she didn't seem to recognise the suit when it was found empty... therefore it might be her.

I'm also really disappointed because I wanted a top from dA, but after googling how long it would take for it to be sent from the US to the UK... I decided I didn't want to wait, but now I'm stuck in a kind of disappointment, because I washed both of my parents cars to get the money... and now no reward. But Mum is taking me to London next Wed, so hopefully I can find something to buy (in all of London) to make up for it.

I've also decided that I'm not taking English Lit for A2, which means I don't have to read Frankenstein. Got to say that’s a bit of a relief... I'm about half way through and if I said I hated it, that wouldn't be a hyperbole. It's so painfully dull, it just goes on and on, and I lost the will to care shortly after I turned the front cover. And it also means I won't have to do English coursework... YAY! I was going to drop Politics... but hey, there be dragons.

Hope this has been slightly entertaining.

For now,

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Of dragons part one


I'm going to start a review of dragon related things, one per month (otherwise I'll run out of ideas before September.) Well today, after waking up feeling like death warmed up, and finding out the hard way that I have a stomach bug... I decided to go online to see what I could buy because shopping cheers everyone up. And YAY, the fourth book in the Inheritance Cycle is available for pre order, click!

I'm really excited about the next one, and I really want to find out who the last rider is, my money is on Roran. And I want to find out if anything happens between Ayra and Eragon, and the big question which dragon with will Saphira's mate. But let’s step back for the moment and look over the exciting books and movie.

As you may be able to guess, I LOVE the books... the film, grrr. The film was a total let down for me, why is Ayra a red head for starters, and where did Katrina go? Why don't the Urgals have horns and where is the blessing of the baby and why all the lovey-dove between Ayra and Eragon? Why does Saphira have feathers? - She's a dragon not a archaeopteryx.

I do have the answer to why the Urgals don't have horns, from watching the special features. They wanted the Urgals to be realistic... what? You're making a film about dragons and magic and you want the creatures in the book to be 'human.' That's the most ridiculous reason ever, it would be like when Lord of the Rings was filmed they would have decided to make Gollam and Shelob 'human' to make it more realistic. Please, disbelieve has been suspended by the dragons, I think our imagination can deal with horned people. Example, Mr Tumnas.

But, let's leave the movie for the moment... tear ourselves way. I think the books are really well written and I particularly enjoy the small details, for example the social details that differ from race to race. Anyway, am deeply looking forward to Inheritance and the Green dragon.

For now,

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

The cracks in the glass.


I've just finished readed for the third time 'Storm Glass' by Maria V. Snyder, and felt hey I can write something about that. I like the story a lot, I've put the series down as one of my favourites, but there is a few little cracks that always annoy me.

Firstly the three books, Storm Glass, Sea Glass and Spy Glass are a follow on set of books from Poison Study, Magic Study and Fire Study. And a simply comparision, the Study heroine is Yelena, who I love. She's brilliant, powerful and totally a hero... while the heroine for the Glass series is Opal Cowan... who I like. She's alright as she grows into her powers over the three books, but she has an uncertainty about her that I don't really like. She's always questioning herself and then her internal monologue she'll tell herself to stop worrying. I know it's just me, but I want me heros to be heroic, not like normal me... how can you battle the forces of evil (Or Tricky and his gang) if you're worried you've left the front door open.

Secondly, in books I'm a great believer in the Soulmate Principle. That doesn't really translate into real life. In books, if someone seems destined to be with someone, they should be. In Storm Glass, Opal keeps mentioning the 'spark' she felt with Kade... but walked away to be with Ulrick... which did turn out to be a really bad choice... but still, it's a story, love should conquore all, even grumpy Kade.

Thirdly, I find some of the minor characters more interesting that Opal; Kade the grumpy 'Stormdancer' for one. He's great, brillaint and totally relalistic in his grief... then there is Leif the overshadowed brother who always wants to eat and is normally the first to crack a joke. Oh, and don't forget Pazia.

Finally, there are the convient plot twists. Ulrick is Devlen... when I first read it, I honestly expected a couple paragraphs later for Opal to wake up from the dream. It seemed to be a bit too big a strech... Also Mara's advice seems to be just to set up the plot twist with Devlen. And Janco is also randomly there, was he desperate for a little more limelight. Is there no other good character that could have swooped in to save the day, I might have believed it more if Valek himself had turned up.

But apart from all my complaints, I really do love the book... and have read it four times. I don't have enough words to describe the good points of the book. NB, it's just my point of view.

For now,

Make money online, oh so slowly...

Morning, (Yep I know it's half eight in the evening.)

Anyway, I've spent a good portion of today on and, both are survey for money sites. I picked them especially because you are able to earn vouchers which can be spent on Amazon and because I'm very opinionated. After spending around six hours filling out questionnaires and surveys, I've calculated that I've earned aprox. £1.50, from both of sites.

The drawback is that you need to accumulate so much before you can get the vouchers, which is fair enough for the company but a bit of a letdown for 6 hours. (And my hand hurts from clicking over and over again.) But, as I do not have a job and therefore not other form of income, and wouldn't have earned £1.50 today by otherwise being on the internet, I do consider today a success.

Therefore my conclusion of if it’s worth it spending time on these sites, is sure it takes a lot of time and is incredibly annoying when you are halfway through a survey and it then tell you that you're not right for the survey, it hopefully will accumulate to something I can spend. I'll keep a clock of time and post again when I have 'Chibi Vampire' volume three and ‘Chibi Vampire’ three, the Novel.

For now,


Morning all,

I've been thinking about starting a blog all summer, but finally am so bored out of my mind, I've got to do something. There are only so many back episodes of 'Friends,' before you feel you mind is going to explode. This effort, I believe should be classed as a more or less serious attempt.

Politics and dragons, I feel I should explain my not-really-so creative title. I've been doing politics for a year, and turns out from my AS results, I'm going to be doing it for another year. Politics is dull, there really is not better way to say it... but ponder this scene for a second; the House of Commons, Cameron standing at the desk in the centre, about to open his mouth, and poof a dragon turns up. Suddenly everyone will want to know whats been happening in the green room.

So, my name is Anhk, it's not really, but hey I'm on the internet, my name is surely less important that what I have to say. Problem is I'm not too sure what I have to say. Maybe I should explain AV months after necessary, because, go me, I actually know how its works. Gone off topic, I like the font ariel, and I don't like times new roman... note; not good at finding the topic. I hope these posts are amusing in some way, even if you're just laughing at me. Oh, my favourite colour is purple and I do live in England (and spell English, with 'U's in 'OUR's) I don't fancy changing the way I spell, mainly because I really can't to begin with, and making Sulphur, Sulfer, just looks wrong to me. I think I'm going to stop talking now before I start ranting.

For Now,