Tuesday, 23 August 2011


Morning all,

I've been thinking about starting a blog all summer, but finally am so bored out of my mind, I've got to do something. There are only so many back episodes of 'Friends,' before you feel you mind is going to explode. This effort, I believe should be classed as a more or less serious attempt.

Politics and dragons, I feel I should explain my not-really-so creative title. I've been doing politics for a year, and turns out from my AS results, I'm going to be doing it for another year. Politics is dull, there really is not better way to say it... but ponder this scene for a second; the House of Commons, Cameron standing at the desk in the centre, about to open his mouth, and poof a dragon turns up. Suddenly everyone will want to know whats been happening in the green room.

So, my name is Anhk, it's not really, but hey I'm on the internet, my name is surely less important that what I have to say. Problem is I'm not too sure what I have to say. Maybe I should explain AV months after necessary, because, go me, I actually know how its works. Gone off topic, I like the font ariel, and I don't like times new roman... note; not good at finding the topic. I hope these posts are amusing in some way, even if you're just laughing at me. Oh, my favourite colour is purple and I do live in England (and spell English, with 'U's in 'OUR's) I don't fancy changing the way I spell, mainly because I really can't to begin with, and making Sulphur, Sulfer, just looks wrong to me. I think I'm going to stop talking now before I start ranting.

For Now,


  1. It's sulphur not sulfer anyway lol x the americans spell it sulfur though x x hi, i came to have a quick look at your blog lol x

  2. Yer I know in English, but I was making a point. :D
