This week has been interesting, and far too much of it has been spent on Secret Circle the tv series is really annoying me, how dare they kill of Nick, he's a beautiful character, and I was starting to think he was the only one in the show that didn't annoy me. I quite like Faye, because she's pretty much accurate, but what have they done to Diana and Adam... it's actually quite depressing. And I'm not even going to start on Melissa... she isn't as awesome as the 6 people that were combined to create her character, particually not the Henderson brother.
I tried doing the 24 hour Nyan cat challange, and it was 6:54 before my head started hurting too much. But that could have easily been from the horrible flashing video clip. Looking away is cheating.
I put my UCAS application in today. Finally that's a weight off my mind... now I just have to get the grades, and darling Amenhotep III is getting on my nerves, well thats not true, it's the stupid library services and I'm running out of time to read it before it needs to get back, and I can only get through about 20 pages an hour. It's slow going, particually because I find myself getting distracted after about 45 minutes.
I'm also annoyed because I still can't get onto Pottermore, ffs it was supposed to be open start of Oct, then end of Oct... and I still can't get online!
For now,
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