Monday, 31 October 2011

Week eight


A bit late this, as its actually now week nine, but still internet has been acting funny. This week (last week) has been half term. And friday, myself, Emily, Scarlett and Zoe when to Zoe's Tory Party Halloween Party. Oh yep, sad but true. Sadder still, is that it was actually a really good night. Zoe got a dance, and Emily got a kiss, I got umbrellered and Scarlett... got Leanne? I don't know, I couldn't think of an awesome way to end that line.

I also made a glowstick crown and that was epic!

I also watched Starkids MAMD for the first time, which was pretty awesome, even the cross dressing.

Sorry, its a little short.
But, for now,

Zoe, I hope you like your Tory Dragon xxx

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Of dragons part three


Well I've started reading Game of Thrones again, gosh I love that book. Am asking for the rest of the series for Christmas. I'll admit, I'd never even heard of it until I saw the TV series, and after watching the Borgias, I understand the Guardian quote on the front cover.

I think I've probably already said this, but my favourite character is of course Daenerys Targaryen. Come on, Dragonlady! But even if she wasn't so associated with dragons I think I would still love her. Also second time reading it through, I've noticed the similarities between the Dothraki and the people of the Plains from the Warprize, Warsworn and Warlord books by Elizabeth Vargen... which is kinda awesome and adds to my ideas that all stories are mealy real events from parallel world.

But on my second reading, I've decided I also adore the Lannisters. My gosh, they are evil and awesome. They have a love/hate/ hate to love quality, that is almost reminiscent of the Malfoys from Harry Potter. Also check out the awesome quote to the left. Said by Tyrion the imp. I know the quote is talking about Jon and him being a bastard, but the quote spoke to me. I've been called some pretty mean and spiteful things in the past and hell, hasn't everyone? I like the quote, amour yourself with it and then it cannot be used to hurt you. That's pretty powerful if you can achieve such a state.

Talking about Jon Snow... him I don't like. I don't know why, but I just find him a bit whiny. But what can I say, at least there is a dragon on the wall. That makes my life better. The Starks generally annoy me, I think because they are trying to be the good guys and I have a lot more sympathy for the 'we're going to win and kick small children out of windows...' side. Not that I don't like Ayra, she seems to be the only one with any sense, and I love the idea of Needle. That is brilliant.

On the other hand, I think I love when Jon calls Joffrey a little shit to Ayra, just made me imagine Joff trying to sing about Pigfarts and the lights dying on him... and if he could have rolled on the floor a little more that would have been beautiful.

For now,

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Week seven


A day early or so, I know. But its that last day of term, (going by the new 6 terms in a year system, or the end of the first half term going by the old 3 term system.) And so much has happened, an alien space ship landed in school and beamed my friend up into the hold. I was left with Emily and Zoe on the ground and we formed a league of awesome people to get them back.

After arguing about which political party was the best, Zoe voting for Tory, Emily voting for all politicians are stupid and me voting for the Pretty Party, a political party that believes that they are all too pretty to go into politics. Heather turned up with her hidden narwhals and Heather and I formed a coalition of the Pretty Party and the Party of shoes and glitter. Anyway, the aliens were probing the others.

But back on earth. I had woken up from my day dream and found I was an alien and I was chasing all the people I didn't like into the hall and then I killed them...

Well, my actually week was far less dull, although there really was a coalition between the Pretty Party and the Party of Shoes and Glitter, and Heather got a shuttlecock stuck in the net in the gym and then we named our rackets Earnest and Roland respectivly.

I also drew three more politics dragons this week; the Tory Dragon, the Liberal Dragon and the Ecology Dragon, one for each of my topics that we've done in politics. Next we'll be doing socialism and I have no idea how I'm going to draw that dragon.

Also Zoe and I had an argument about if My fair Lady or Evita were better. Clearly she is mistaken when she says My Fair Lady.

For now,

Sunday, 16 October 2011

A theory of the gods and the stars


As I was driving home from dropping my nan off this 'prevening' I was watching the stars coming out, thinking about how ridiculously old the light that was coming from the star light was. Then I started thinking about my history coursework, the Egyptian religion and Amun Ra, then a lorry drove a little bit too close to me and the two got mashed together quite nicely in my head.

Therefore, what I concluded from my drive home was that, if you look at the properties of a solar deities, some of them are actually proven by science real. For example, a creator god; stars convert (for want of a better word) Hydrogen into bigger and more complex atoms, and therefore everything is made up of things that have been formed in a dead star, therefore stars literally allow life, because they create the building blocks. Carrying on with the theme of life giving, sunlight allows photosynthesis which gives oxygen as a by product that we breath.

Then I started thinking that monotheism was like looking at the sky during the day and seeing the sun and thinking that was god, but ignoring the night and the other gods. Just because the stars are far away, doesn't mean that they are not gods.

And then, my final thought on comparing stars to god, was thinking about the American Creationists... from a video that we watched in RS, they believe that carbon dating in incorrect, but we know that sunlight takes millions of years to come from the centre of the sun to the surface of the sun, and then eight minutes to get to earth... if we know that the sun must have been around for millions of years... therefore the ideas of young earth creationism, must be incorrect.

But heck, I'm not a scientist, I'm just a light nerd.

For now,

20 minuets


Clearing, I've been having a very productive day...

54 metres, my record on qwop!!! Damn hurdle tripped me up.

For now,

First follower


I came onto my blog this morning like usual to check on Cyril and just look at my page views and I found I had a follower! After getting far to excited, I clicked to see who it was... then I got an error message, the computer restarted itself and finally, drum roll please... it was a Tory. Who incidentally is the original inspiration for the first politics dragon.

Apart from the I don't really have any news, except I've started naming my Sopio cards; The man with the giant head is called Dara. Brownie points if you understand that. Talking about Sopio, while hidding in a bathroom at a friends house for another friend how was coming round for a suprice birthday party, we played Sopio... and Symone was playing from in the bath, because she's ... cool?

NB, lolwihad means laughing out loud, wishing I had a dragon. lolwihad.

For now,

Friday, 14 October 2011

Week six


It's been a good week, I can tell from the four empty packets of skittles in my bag. Really like the watermelon ones from the core change-y ones. I've also almost finished my UCAS application, hopefully I will be able to get it done by the end of next week.

In other news, I've send out the invites to my 18th birthday party, in Jan, YAY... but long time away, so no yay. Should be good, except Dad wants to make a speech... and is now telling me that I also need to make a speech. I didn't sign up for making a speech.

Talking about skittles, I want more skittles... anyway. Moving away from skittles, I drew three more politics dragons today, each on a topic that has been covered in politics lessons; Tory, Liberal and Ecology dragons. They'll hopefully (if the scanner works) be loaded up to dA within a few days.

I've also managed this week to write some more of my novel called the Chronicals of Hezjena and bugged most of mu friends to proof read the latest part/chapter/bit/thing. Which is brillaint, and I'm using all the insults that I've built up but couldn't actally use against the fool, so yay.

Other than that I've been watching Stargate again, SG1... not as good as Atlantis. I've seen every episode of Atlantis, but I tend to get bored of SG1. Don't know why.

My friend has just started a blog, so I'll include a link at the bottom of the page, when I get round to it.

For now,

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Week five


Well this week I've tried fish fingers and custard. Yay, it actually wasn't too bad, but no one wanted the remaining custard after we'd dunked fish fingers in it... Oh well.  I had a dream last night that my old English teacher was shouting at me because I didn't know how to use the word count feature on word... which is weird because I do know how to use word count and I doubt she'd start shouting at me in the Library.

I went to the Birmingham Uni open day this week, and it was alright. It remains in its previous spot as third choice. On the way home the sat nav was playing up, apparently there is a KFC, in the middle of a field near Corby...? Oh, and I got a free bag from the uni, but it says university of Birmingham on it... it smells funny.

I tested out my costume for Professor Trelawney, because I'm going to a Harry-Potter-marathon-watching-spree-movie-day-thing. It looks good, except I don't have the glasses, so I drew a pair on in eyeliner. It looked good until I tried to take it off and looked like I hadn't slept all week.

And, I've also managed to almost complete my Unova region pokedex on White, except I need to exchange a Rufflet for a Vullaby. Anyone want to trade?

For now,

Saturday, 1 October 2011

A theory of the doctors name


I have a theory. That might not actually work out because I haven't worked it through yet. But for this theory to work all TV shows are actually about the same reality, eg, Torchwood and the rifts are actually the same as the anomalies in Primeval.

Anyway. In Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, the computer Deep Thought was programmed by the hyper intelligent pan dimensional beings to create the ultimate answer to the ultimate question of life the universe and everything. And after however many millions of year, or seven and half million, the answer was fourtytwo.

Now, although Deep Thought created another computer to work out the question of life the universe and everything; and Arthur Dent, by the very scientific way of picking Scrabble pieces came out with the question being what is six times nine... the uncertainty principle rules out that 54 could be the answer.

Therefore if all TV shows are some kind of glimpse into some kind of parallel world, that is secretly influences all writers... then the ultimate question, the question hidden in plain sight, the question that must be met with silence, could therefore by the uncertainty principle be, fourtytwo. And therefore the Doctor's name is fourtytwo.

Or I could just have an overactive imagination.

For now,

Uncertainty principle, if the question and answer are ever both known in the same universe, then the universe will be destroyed an replaced by something even more bizarre.