Sunday, 16 October 2011

A theory of the gods and the stars


As I was driving home from dropping my nan off this 'prevening' I was watching the stars coming out, thinking about how ridiculously old the light that was coming from the star light was. Then I started thinking about my history coursework, the Egyptian religion and Amun Ra, then a lorry drove a little bit too close to me and the two got mashed together quite nicely in my head.

Therefore, what I concluded from my drive home was that, if you look at the properties of a solar deities, some of them are actually proven by science real. For example, a creator god; stars convert (for want of a better word) Hydrogen into bigger and more complex atoms, and therefore everything is made up of things that have been formed in a dead star, therefore stars literally allow life, because they create the building blocks. Carrying on with the theme of life giving, sunlight allows photosynthesis which gives oxygen as a by product that we breath.

Then I started thinking that monotheism was like looking at the sky during the day and seeing the sun and thinking that was god, but ignoring the night and the other gods. Just because the stars are far away, doesn't mean that they are not gods.

And then, my final thought on comparing stars to god, was thinking about the American Creationists... from a video that we watched in RS, they believe that carbon dating in incorrect, but we know that sunlight takes millions of years to come from the centre of the sun to the surface of the sun, and then eight minutes to get to earth... if we know that the sun must have been around for millions of years... therefore the ideas of young earth creationism, must be incorrect.

But heck, I'm not a scientist, I'm just a light nerd.

For now,

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