Sunday 9 October 2011

Week five


Well this week I've tried fish fingers and custard. Yay, it actually wasn't too bad, but no one wanted the remaining custard after we'd dunked fish fingers in it... Oh well.  I had a dream last night that my old English teacher was shouting at me because I didn't know how to use the word count feature on word... which is weird because I do know how to use word count and I doubt she'd start shouting at me in the Library.

I went to the Birmingham Uni open day this week, and it was alright. It remains in its previous spot as third choice. On the way home the sat nav was playing up, apparently there is a KFC, in the middle of a field near Corby...? Oh, and I got a free bag from the uni, but it says university of Birmingham on it... it smells funny.

I tested out my costume for Professor Trelawney, because I'm going to a Harry-Potter-marathon-watching-spree-movie-day-thing. It looks good, except I don't have the glasses, so I drew a pair on in eyeliner. It looked good until I tried to take it off and looked like I hadn't slept all week.

And, I've also managed to almost complete my Unova region pokedex on White, except I need to exchange a Rufflet for a Vullaby. Anyone want to trade?

For now,

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