Sunday 16 October 2011

First follower


I came onto my blog this morning like usual to check on Cyril and just look at my page views and I found I had a follower! After getting far to excited, I clicked to see who it was... then I got an error message, the computer restarted itself and finally, drum roll please... it was a Tory. Who incidentally is the original inspiration for the first politics dragon.

Apart from the I don't really have any news, except I've started naming my Sopio cards; The man with the giant head is called Dara. Brownie points if you understand that. Talking about Sopio, while hidding in a bathroom at a friends house for another friend how was coming round for a suprice birthday party, we played Sopio... and Symone was playing from in the bath, because she's ... cool?

NB, lolwihad means laughing out loud, wishing I had a dragon. lolwihad.

For now,

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