Sunday 25 September 2011

Week three


Had a wisdom tooth finish coming through today, and while I managed to get a bag of skittles out of it, I do also now reek of oil of cloves. Smells kinda like Christmas, but tastes foul.

Talking about Christmas, my sopio cards did come eventually, and myself and a couple friends have our own tournament, losers buy the winner a bag of skittles at Yule. So far, I've won two games, Emily's won four *cough* cheat, and Zoe's still on the roundest of all numbers... 0.

In other news, I drew a politics dragon on the school big draw. Not that exciting, but I have yet to draw a politics dragon in politics this term. Politics is getting a bit more interesting, isms. Yay. Done Ecology, basically go environment, and Liberalism, basically go freedoms.

Got some new lipstick, MUA shade two, I like it.

Yep, I know its like turning onto the news and there is an article about Marvin the trombone playing meerkat... I really don't have anything to report. This week has pretty much been dull.

Well, I did get to play hero, I think... but the story isn't finished yet, and there is nothing more annoying that a cliffhanger. So next week I'll tell all... maybe.

I've downloaded the Still Got Legs album to my mp, along with the Starship soundtrack... so kinda confusing when I get the songs mixed up... but they are both about Aliens.


For now,

Oh, I am starting to learn Middle Egyptian, in preparation for university. And therefore the word that has made my laugh the loudest is the symbols for 'donkey' which goes, symbol for a, symbol for phallus, determinative symbol for donkey... why... its a strange language but I actually really like it. It's logical.

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